Friday 16 March 2018

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Virgins - Diana Gabaldon

Its hard to believe that Diana Gabaldon isn't a thoroughbred Scot whose been rollicking in the Highlands her entire life to enable her to write about such convincing archetypal Scottish characters in the best representation of their particular colloquial of this 1700's. But no, she's not.
Being a full-on Outlander fan, I was drawn to this book because of the younger character of Jamie Fraser and his brother-in-law (not yet in this book though), Ian Murray. True to his trouble magnetic nature, the book starts out with an injured Jamie - pretty much the way Outlander does. Both he an Ian then go on an adventure that see's them travelling with mercenaries and their travels take them to Paris where they both have eyes for the beautiful - but sneaky we are later to find out - Rebekah.
A short piece or novella, this is my first read of Diana Gabaldon and I have to say my favourite part about the book was the three courtesy chapters of the Outlander book included at the end which in her authors note Gabaldon explains Virgins is the technical prequel for. We get this generous helping of Outlander so that the reader gets to meet the older and more experienced Jamie. Cannot wait to get my hands on a copy of Outlander...

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