Wednesday 5 September 2018

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Reclaim Your Heart - Yasmin Mogahed 

I missed Yasmin Mogaheds tour in SA, but having seen her YouTube lectures, I was so impressed to realise that her writing is just as passionate and influential as she is as a speaker. This book takes the reader - most likely Muslim female - through the Islamic and philosophical angles of her reflections on life. On attachments, heartache, abandonment, hardships and the every day struggle the soul endures. It speaks to the strength that lies in sensitivity and the freedom that comes with a reliance and deepest love for God. I wouldn't call this work a self-help as its deepest roots denote from Islamic beliefs, however I wouldn't  call it religious either as much of her conversation is psychologically  based. Poetry completes this exceptional work and you have to marvel at how deeply the writer understands her own self.

This is not the type of book you'll read once in your life. No, this is a reminder when the chips are down that all pain is temporary and for the bruised and battered a comfort when times are at their toughest.

Reclaim your Heart
*Image copied from